Advanced MicroBeam Inc.
Electron Microprobe Analytical Services - EPMA
An Electron Microprobe produces a one micron electron beam to perform high resolution quantitative analysis of trace, minor and major elements in mission critical components. An array of Wavelength Dispersive Spectrometers are used to detect elemental x-rays from 1 - 3 microns below the sample surface. Electron imaging and x-ray maps show surface conditions and elemental distribution of a sample. Imaging Detectors: Backscattered Electron (BSE), Secondary Electron (SE), and Transmitted Electron (TE)
Contact us for a quotation.
WDS Detection Limits: 10 - 100 PPM
WDS FWHM Energy Resolution: 2eV to 55 eV
High Take-Off Angle: 52.5 degrees - Permits the detection of x-rays deeper into pits and crevices - Enhances light element detection
Xenon Gas Filled Detectors for Improved Metal Analysis and detection limits
Solid-State WDS Detectors for Improved Throughput and Analytical Efficiency. Capable of millions of counts per second. Minimal dead time correction. Improved Accuracy. Lower Costs.
Improved Windows for Light Element Detection
Synthetic Crystals for Improved Detection of Be, B, C, N, O
Application Experience
Line Analysis across weld zones
Diffusion Zone Analysis of coatings
Fuel Cells - SOFC - PEMFC
Titanium Alloys / Nitrogen
Corrosion Analysis
Rare Earth Elements
Trace Elements below MDL of EDS
Super Alloys
Catalytic Converters and other automotive components
Magnetic Field Imaging
BSE and SE Imaging
Elemental X-Ray Maps
High Resolution Qualitative Analysis
Critical Components