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Advanced MicroBeam Inc.
Product Design and Collaboration Experience
​Co-inventor of WDS Solid-State Detector Counting System
Designer of Windowless WDS Light Element Detector
X-Ray Crystal Testing
Magnetic Field Imaging procedures for Electron Microprobe
Improved Electron Microprobe Components and Circuit Cards
Video Camera Interface
Improved Beam Current Regulator
Enhanced Lens Power Supply Implementation
Integration of improved Windows for Light Element Detectors
Electron Gun Filament Controller for Tungsten Filaments
Air solenoid assembly for improved vacuum control
Integration of SEM electronics to an electron microprobe
Improved sample stage for an electron microprobe
3 Output CRT Power Supply - 12KV 2KV 500V
An Improved Transmitted Electron Detector
WDS X-Ray Preamplifier with Improved Noise Immunity for ORTEC 590 and other Pulse Height Analyzers

First X-Ray Map using WD Solid-State Detector
Showing Cu-Zn phases in Alpha-Beta Brass
Acquisition Time: 30 Seconds
Contact us to discuss product development projects
Watch Video of Xenon versus WD Solid-State Detector Performance
Magnetic Field Imaging Instrumentation -
3D Image of Magnetic Fields on WDS Standard Sample

WDS X-Ray Preamplifier - Reduced Size - Improved Noise Immunity

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